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DIY Bath Time: Facial Scrub Recipe + Bath Essentials

We love love love to exfoliate. It is so easy and affordable to create the perfect organic scrub for your skin at home, with no plastic beads, toxic fragrances or chemical ingredients often found on the shelves.


Instagram: @mantramagazine


DIY Body & Face Scrub

1. Pick Your Base

Choose a base of fine sea salt, coffee grounds or sugar granules in a glass jar big enough to fit your hand in.

2. Oil

Next, add your oil. We love avocado, almond, olive and argan. If you have oily skin, try coconut oil.

3. Scent

Choose five drops of your favorite essential oils. Lavender is great for calming. Peppermint, ginger, tangerine and cinnamon essential oils are also fun. Shake it up and add vanilla bean extract and cinnamon to your coffee grounds for a lil latte morning pick-me-up scrub.

4. Mix

Stir everything together for 45 seconds and you are ready to go. You have just made the perfect natural body scrub in less than five minutes, for cents on the dollar. Bam!

*Remember to use a sealed glass jar to store your exfoliating and moisturizing potion.

Baths are like a giant reset button, and they seem to stop time. It’s mental and physical self-love nourishment. Here are a few DIY organic, chemical-free ways to sweeten your me time.


Add dried lavender to a tea ball and then add to the bath. Alternatively, you can add a few drops of lavender essential oil to bathwater.

Rose Petals

Add a soothing sense to your bath with a handful of rose petals or your favorite fragrant flower. Make sure they are pesticide-free.

Baking Soda

To soothe and soften skin, add half a cup of baking soda to the bath while the water is running.

Olive Oil

Add a few tablespoons of olive oil to your bathwater for soft and smooth skin. Just be careful when exiting, as it may leave a slightly slippery surface.


Add fresh grated ginger to your bath. Helps sweat out those toxins. We cannot get enough of ginger.

Green Tea

Add 3 to 5 tea bags of green tea to your bath while the water is running.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Add 1 or 2 cups of apple cider vinegar to the bath. Helps maintain proper pH levels for your skin.


We love to hang a bunch of eucalyptus above our shower head or in the bath to really open up our lungs and sinuses.

Epsom Salt

Add to your hot bath to relieve body soreness and muscle pain.

*For a lil homemade spa experience, add our natural body scrubs while bathing.

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